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MS Egg Marketing Board

Eggs contain nutrients that are
important for brain health, such
as lutein and choline!  Lutein is
an antioxidant that supports
normal brain function and
choline affects the areas of the
brain responsible for memory
and life-long learning ability.

MS Egg Marketing Board

Eggs are an easy and satisfying
food that can be prepared quickly
and eaten on the run!

MS Egg Marketing Board

Beginning the day with eggs can
help prevent midmorning hunger
and improve nutrient intake.

MS Egg Marketing Board

One large egg contains varying
amounts of 13 essential vitamins,
minerals and protein.

MS Egg Marketing Board

Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the MS Ag,
and Forestry Museum has become
a tradition in central Mississippi.

MS Egg Marketing Board

Chef Nick Wallace, a local celebrity
chef, loves to feature eggs in his
Farm to Table dishes.

MS Egg Marketing Board

Eggs are the most ecomical source
of high-quality protein per serving

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